Sunday 28 October 2012

Remembrance Walk

With Eden's bear
Felix and I shared a beautiful morning together this morning. HeartKids and SIDS and Kids held a remembrance walk down by the beach at 7am for families who had lost a child. Some parents walked for their babies who passed away before birth, and others walked for children who had died due to serious health issues later on. Felix and I walked for Eden, our daughter and sister who sadly, was born asleep when I was 20 weeks pregnant.

It was a perfect morning (albeit very early!) The sky was bright blue and it already felt quite warm. Felix thought it was wonderful, being able to run around on the grass outside so early in the morning. I enjoyed watching his smile as I wondered what his big sister would think of him if she was still here. I think Felix would have had her wrapped around his little finger! I wrote a message on a balloon for Eden, and Felix helped me carry it, along with one of her teddy bears, as we followed the other parents on a little walk through the gardens near the beach. When we returned from the walk, we all took it in turns saying the name of our child and then releasing our balloons. Felix was absolutely mesmerised by the balloons as they went up into the sky. He kept pointing and making lots of "Oooooh" sounds. It always gets me how many balloons are released at occasions like this; each one representing a life cut short way too soon. There were lots of tears!

After the remembrance walk, Felix and I went to visit Nathan at work. We went to McDonalds on the way, to pick up coffee. I must say, McDonalds have done amazing things with their advertising because I cannot believe Felix's instant reaction when he sees those golden arches!! We rarely buy anything from there, and even then Felix only
Balloons for our babies
With Eden's balloon
 has a few fries, but anyone would think we eat there every day by the way he responds. There are excited noises from the back seat as we drive in, and then lots of grumpy noises as we drive out (with only coffee). I don't know whether to think it's funny or to be horrified!!

Felix was very happy when we got to Daddy's work and, as usual, he walked around like he owned the place. He had everybody stopping to say hello and he was full of smiles and cheeky faces. I love that he brings so much joy to people. I'm sure he will still be doing the same thing when he's forty years old. I'm so proud of our little man!

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